Bendigo On Road Radio Control Car Club
powered by TidyHQClub Code of Conduct
Club Code of Conduct
Please ensure you read and are familiar with these rules when participating in any Club activities. Members will be instructed to acknowledge and agree to abide by these rules, as part of the membership sign up process.
1. Race to enjoy and improve your skills
2. Always abide by the BORRCCC section and general rules.
3. Co-operate with your fellow competitors, officials, and Club, as without them there would be no racing.
4. No unsportsmanlike behaviour or intentional abuse of equipment will be tolerated.
5. Recognise the value and importance of all volunteers. Help and support them whenever you can.
6. Never argue with an official or marshal.
7. Do not publicly question an official's judgement, and never their honesty.
8. No participant is to make offensive, disparaging or insulting remarks about any participant, official, volunteer or spectator.
9. No participant is to use offensive language including music with offensive lyrics, as it is a family orientated sport.
10. No participant is to make threats or use physical violence towards any other driver, official, volunteer or spectator.
11. Drivers will be held accountable for the actions of their pit crew, family members and relations or any other persons in their company at a BORRCCC competition or event.
12. Any behaviour or conduct which is considered to bring the sport into disrepute will not be tolerated.
13. The consumption of illegal, performance enhancing or social drugs, by drivers, officials, pit crew, parents or spectators at any BORRCCC event is prohibited.
14. The consumption of alcohol at any BORRCCC event, by participants, officials, pit crew, parents or spectators, is prohibited. No participant will be permitted to compete if he/she is suffering the obvious effects of alcohol. Consumption of alcohol at social functions is permitted within the limits of the law and must be done responsibly. Persons doing so are still accountable to this Code of Conduct.
15. Any complaints that you have about Officials or other participants should be put in writing and submitted to the relevant BORRCCC section, which will take all accounts into consideration and make a ruling.
16. Social Media and electronic communication should be restricted to event matters. They must not offend, intimidate, humiliate or bully any member, or be misleading, false or injure the reputation of members or others. Communications should also seek to protect the privacy of members and must not bring the club or sport into disrepute. Electronic communication regarding people under 18 years of age will be through parents or guardians.
17. Where an event or competition necessitates accommodation away from the normal residence, including but not restricted to Motels, Hotels, Caravan Parks or any public area, before and after racing hours, and including travel to and from an event, this code of conduct applies.
18. Officials will report all breaches of the behaviour code, to BORRCCC and apply penalties in accordance with the rules. The participants home Club will be notified of any breach by their members.
19. If a driver is in breach of the above code of conduct during event he/she may be disqualified from the event, and/or banned from participation in future BORRCCC events.
20. There is to be no smoking on the club grounds. Smoking must be restricted to designated areas and discrete in the presence of children.
21. The gate combination code is not to be shared with anyone, including other club members. Access to the track is for your personal use only, applicable to those listed on your membership account.